
Management Consulting

Setting up new companies is more tricky than you think. If you job is to create products, mine is to help you setup the structure that will facilitate your work smoothly. 

All details must be addressed, from Legal to HR, from IT to Financials, even a small company needs a solid structure to grow and thrive. Delaying this aspect of the business will not allow you to expand as you plan it. 

Be strategic, be ready to grow! 

Coaching & Training

I have gained a lot of expertise in communication and training in the last 30 years; make your team efficient and ready to face challenges too. 

Developing tools that facilitate the work together, remotely or at the office, efficient communication amongst colleagues to help the teams in their further developments and execution are tools that can really help you make a difference. 

Publishing House

To support the development of our Coaching and Training efforts, we will be also supporting the publication of books.